Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Next Big Thing...

For the last few years we have been thinking about retirement and how that will look for us.  Truth be told, my becoming an RN is part of the plan - Derrick retires from full time computer stuff and I work three days a week to maintain insurance.  Cool idea, but what if we get itchy feet and want to travel? Enter travel nursing.  Work for a staffing agency that places nurse in hospitals that need temporary help. Thirteen week assignments, then move on.  There's more to it than that, obviously, but you get the idea.

So, with that in mind, we starting thinking about how we would travel and where we would live if we did start travel nursing.  How about an RV?  Enter (wait for it) The Baroness!

I know, it's cheesy, but I couldn't resist.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Iguanas and Chickens and Kittehs - Oh My!

So, today's adventures started out with a boat trip around the point to the town of Charlotte Amalie.  The boat is pretty much a water taxi.  Seats about twelve - has a colorful "captain" known as Captain Stew.  He looks like he's probably a retired engineer whose hobby was boating. We figure he retired to St. John and works as a boat captain to keep out of his wife's hair all day :-)  He was pretty awesome, though - regaled us with local lore on the trip over.  He'd steer the boat for a minute then talk for 3 or 4 minutes (while the boat moved by itself closer to shore...) then turn around just in time to steer again, then talk again.  It was pretty funny.

In town we split up - Derrick wanted to climb the 99 Steps and see Blackbeard's Castle.  I wasn't so keen on that idea, so stayed in the shopping district to browse around.  We met up an hour or so later.  Derrick admitted his trip was kind of a bust as everything at the top of the 99 Steps (really 103 steps) was closed.  

I have decided I am an animal magnet.  First there was the iguana:

We have since seen several more.  I am sparing you more iguana pics.

Then today the Park Chickens complete with crowing rooster:

And finally - my personal favorite - the Coco Joe's Kitteh.  Here's how it went down: We were at dinner - an outdoor "seriously RIGHT in the beach" restaurant.  I spot a feral cat prowling around the outskirts of the dining area.  Of COURSE, I have to see if I can get near enough to pet her.  I didn't get that close, but she stopped and meowed and flipped onto her back and "talked" with me for a minute.  I went back to the table.  Quite a while later, as we were finishing, I hear a "meow" below me on the beach.  She came back to find me and ask for a treat!  I couldn't believe it.  That cat was smart enough to figure out a human that talked with her might be one to givet a little something.  Worked like a charm!  I told her I would trade for a picture :-)

More tomorrow - can't decide if we are going to get on the ferry to St. John's or go to Coral World - a local aquarium.  Either way, it'll be fun.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Introducing the REAL owner of the Marriott Resort!

Walking down to the beach this afternoon we passed the tennis court.  Inside we saw this guy.  We opened the door and went in to get a closer look.  He saw the open door and started walking (no hurry, here) toward it.  We got the video of him just as he went into the cool greenery.  Later a Marriott employee told us the iguanas pretty much run the place - or at least think they do.  They aren't afraid of people and seem to like getting their picture taken :-)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

We are finally on the move again.  It seems like it's been a long time since we travelled.  This time we are heading for St. Thomas in the US Virgin Islands.  There's no particular reason for choosing this spot - there happened to be space in the Marriott time share resort there.  It also seemed like a place we could just relax in.  It's been a long year with lots of changes and there are more to come.  So, a few days of sun and sand and ocean sound pretty good right now...

Thanks to Katherine and her friends for keeping an eye on the house for us...

Here's a couple of pictures to give you all an idea where we are heading.  See you there!