Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Why be normal?

Sometimes I have to wonder, what in the world is wrong with us?  Why can't we just settle down and be regular grandparents and plan a quiet retirement?  But, noooo!  We have to be completely crazy and reinvent ourselves every so often.  So what is happening right now?

Well, first, yours truly has gone back to school.  Studying anatomy and chemistry at the moment toward the prerequisites needed to get into nursing school -- see, a hundred years ago, I was an LPN.  So, in November (after a monumental scare with Kara's Baby Jack (see Our Half Dozen), it felt like it was time.  I will save the rest of the story for another time.

And then there is the hankering to travel...years ago, Derrick's father gave he and his brother, Gregg each a carving that he felt represented their personalities.  Derrick's was a trapper in a canoe.  His dad felt (and rightly so) that Derrick is a traveler and adventurer at heart.

In the years we have been married (34 this past June) we have traveled to Scotland, Hawaii (3 times now), a couple of Caribbean cruises and quite a few places around the country.  But NOTHING we have done will compare to what is coming up August 7th.

I will be posting pictures and explanations in the next couple of days.  So ciao for now and happy adventuring to you.

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