Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Two words:  SeaWorld rocks.  Put me in the middle of manta rays, Moray eels, sharks, dolphins and killer whales and I am a happy camper - err, make that scuba diver.  Too bad you can't dive at SW - I would so be into it.  But, I digress...

We got there at about 10 and made it in by 10:30-ish (took a while - lines were slow).  First saw the manta exhibit and the Manta roller coaster.  Decided to put the ride off til later.  Over the course of the day we went to the Killer whale show, the Dolphin show, walked through the shark tunnel, saw the dolphin nursery and "traveled" to the arctic to see polar bears.  Oh, and can't forget the puffins, murres (a penguin relative like the puffin) and the fabulously stinky penguins themselves.

By three o'clock I was starting to wilt in the 94 degree temp (not complaining - just sayin'...), but we stayed to watch the dolphin show (awesome!), then, since the line was only 10 minutes long, we decided to end the day with a spin on the Manta (see it here).  It's roller coaster that you ride laying flat on your stomach.  The link has a point of view video if you want to get a feel for it :-)

After that we staggered off the coaster and made our way back to the parking lot and back to the condo.  Oh yeah, stopped for ice cream before heading up to our room.  It was a good day - but having fun sure is exhausting! :-)

Enjoy a few pics and videos.  TTFN


The Posing Seal

Okay, so I can't get the video to post.  I will try again later.

1 comment:

  1. We were SO close to getting an annual pass to Sea World when we suddenly moved back from AZ. I would LOVE to have my boys go there. 94 degrees does sound hot though! Glad you're having fun!
