Friday, March 4, 2016

And on to Pensacola...

We left Houston relatively unscathed and headed to Pensacola, Florida.  The plan was to stop there to break up the long trip to Orlando and to maybe spend a couple of days on the beach.  Yeah. The RV gods were laughing...

We made it to the Pensacola RV park just before closing.  This was great because the spot we had required backing in and the owner was there to assist with that.  I stink at backing up and it makes me nervous just to watch it.

It was colder in Pensacola than we had hoped - only in the 50's.  That's warm in Utah, but not really warm enough even for US to enjoy the beach.  But, we figured we would make the best of it.  So, we got parked, opened the slideouts and prepared to get ready for the night.  Turned on the heat.  No heat.  WHAT??? Again??? What about the WEEK we just spent in San Antonio? What in the world is it now??  We simply couldn't believe it.

Fortunately, it wasn't as cold in Pensacola as it had been in El Paso, so the night wasn't as uncomfortable.  But, by now, we had had it.  This had to be some kind of mean joke.  But we still had to get through the night, so we went to Walmart and bought a little electric heater and were at least warm through the night, even if we were really discouraged.

Given this new wrinkle, we decided that between the wretched heating problem and how cold it was in Pensacola, there wasn't much point in staying there.  So we contacted the Orlando KOA we had reservations at to see if we could come a day or two early.  Turns out it wasn't a problem, so we pulled out of Pensacola on Monday, February 15th and headed for Orlando.

Along the drive through Mississippi and Louisiana, we crossed a lot of bridges, saw bayous and battleships, went past signs for the towns of Daphne, Cecelia, Carol and Niceville.  I even took a video of when I THOUGHT we were crossing the Mississippi.  Turns out it was Lake Charles.
My bad.

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