Thursday, August 19, 2010

Royal Barges and Royal Funeral Carriages

The Thais are certainly artisans.  Today we went to the Royal Barge Museum (the trip alone was a, shall we say, and experience) where 8 of the several dozen royal barges are on display.  Originally, they were used by the Royal Thai Navy for going into battle.  Now they are only taken out on very special royal occasions like the current king's jubilee celebration.  They are really spectacular and our pictures really don't do them justice...

Barge just for the Buddha image that goes with the procession
Seat of the barge
Incredible detail

Just to show the size of the barge

After we left the Barge Museum we headed to the National Museum of Thailand.  There were many very impressive things there NONE of which we were allowed to get pictures of.  However, I did find a picture and several links of the exhibit that is probably the MOST spectacular and that is the Royal Thai Funeral Carriages.  Oh my - these are not to be believed.  They are carriages that are carried through the city (presumably) with the ashed of the member of the royal family member that has died and been cremated.  The ashes are in a HUGE urn on the seat of this GI-NORMOUS golden carriage.  Here's a picture I found of one of them (not the biggest one which is for the king) used at the funeral of the King's sister a few years ago...

A picture from the Princess' funeral

There was more to the day, but this'll do for now... it's time for bed.  Tomorrow is our last day here.  We have a few more things we want to see if we can.  Then it will be time to pack up, add up our stuff for customs and get a few hours of sleep before we head to the airport at 2:30AM.  TTFN.

1 comment:

  1. I bet those were pretty amazing in person! They look beautiful!
