Monday, January 18, 2016

Picking up the Baroness or A Couple of Days in Las Vegas

In September, we made the decision that Derrick would retire in early January and we would take advantage of our new found freedom and get out of the Utah winter.  But that would mean driving our 40 foot motorhome through a possible snowstorm.  Not ideal.  So, in October, we drove the RV (a Monaco Dynasty Baroness, hence "The Baroness" moniker), to Las Vegas to an RV storage unit and left it safe in the Nevada warmth.

On January 9th, we loaded the Jeep with essentials and kitty cats, left our house in capable hands and embarked on our journey.  We made a quick stop at Kara's house, took a few pictures then headed out.

Since we had maintenance scheduled for the RV, we spent three days at the Hampton Inn in Henderson.  Gryffindor was less than thrilled and spent most of the time with his eyes glued to the hotel room door.  Strange voices and noises outside made for one nervous kitty.  

We did take the time one evening to go up to the Las Vegas LDS Temple grounds.  It was closed for maintenance, so we couldn't attend.  But, we were able to take some pictures of this lovely temple.  It really is a glittering jewel in the Green Valley.

Other than the temple, Las Vegas has never been our favorite place, but this trip gave us one more reason to dislike it.  On Thursday morning we went out to the Jeep and discovered Derrick's bike had been stolen.  Grrr.  Unfortunately, biking is a activity that we are planning to do a lot on this trip, so we had no choice but to buy another bike.  And TWO Kryptonite locks.  

Kryptonite lock in place

Derrick and The Green Lantern, errr, Bike

By Thursday we were on our way to the San Diego, California area.  Leaving Las Vegas, the hotel AND the black bike behind.

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