Wednesday, January 27, 2016

To Disneyland and Beyond!!!

So, one thing leads to another.  Here's the train of events that lead us to spend two days in DL.

Most of you know, I have started run/walking half marathons.  Since last June I've done 12 half marathons, in and around Utah and in 6 additional states (prior to June I had completed 7 in 4 states). I am scheduled/signed up for and additional 10 half marathons in as many states on this trip.  But truth be told, there is one series that I just really want to do.  Yes, they are expensive, but they are So. Much. Fun.  Those would be the Disney races.  So, in discussing this with Derrick, we decided to have me go ahead and do the Disneyland Half Marathon in September and then several more Disney races in 2017.  In looking at how that all stacked up dollar wise, it turned out that getting an annual pass made sense.  Tried getting one online, but that proved confusing, sooooo, we DROVE UP TO DISNEYLAND!!!  When Derrick suggested we go up, I started jumping around and screaming and crying (WHAT is wrong with her???).  Anyway, long story short we drove the hour and half to Disney and had an absolute blast.  I posted on Facebook that we were there - blatantly torturing my Disney-loving children (so sorry).  With the pass came a perk we were not expecting - free downloads of all the pics taken by the on-site photographers (which I can also use DURING a race to get pictures :-)  ).  So, here are the pictures from our day at the happiest place on earth.  For more, see our Facebook page, The Two of Us Travel

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