Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Retirement January 2016

Sometime in the late 1980's or early 1990's (during the Wordperfect years), we started thinking about when Derrick would retire.  We decided that somewhere between age 61 and 62 would be perfect. We would be old enough to (hopefully) have enough saved for retirement and young enough to travel and go on LDS Church missions.  At that time we were young (in our mid 30's) and had three young kids.  Age 60 seemed very far away.

But on January 5th, 2016, the day arrived and Derrick said goodbye to friends and co-workers at Domo in American Fork.  He spent the last 15 years there - first as Corda Technologies and then as part of the team at Domo.  They threw him THREE retirement parties (it isn't really common for there to be retirees in the software development field, so they really had a good time with it!)  And, yes, they DID give him a gold watch.  A gold iWatch, that is! (No, not the 15K one, but a really nice one, nonetheless).  They had a good time, from the party in house to lunch at Tucano's and another lunch at Mi Ranchito's.  

In the few days that followed, Derrick and I took two of our grandchildren out for early birthday lunches since January 9th was our target day to leave for an extended RV trip to celebrate his retirement.

With Peter at Red Robin celebrating turning 9

With Hannah at Red Robin celebrating turning 5

Hannah and Grandpa heading in to pick out a birthday gift

After saying our "See ya later"'s to our children and grandchildren, we loaded the Jeep with stuff and cats and headed for warmer climes... Stay tuned for more adventures...

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